
10 Ways an Apocalypse Might Happen (according to popular beliefs)

#6 Giant Solar Flares

The sun is the massive blob of fire in the sky. We need it for either as a source of energy for solar panels or for plants to grow. Solar flares happen every other week or so, but massive ones are very rare. The sun flare ejects clouds of electrons, ions and atoms into space which does reach Earth a day or two or even faster after an event.

The biggest solar flare ever recorded was in September 1st, 1859 from a solar storm and that day was called the Carrington Event. The big solar flare hit the Earth’s magnetosphere directly and this is what happened back then:

Auroras were seen all around the world. It was an exceptionally bright day or night in some places. It was so bright, the places with nighttime looked like it was morning. Most communications were down at the time that is the telegraph, some power grids short circuited while some electronics ran even without batteries or visible power source.

In this day and age with a technology dependant society, well, lets just say havoc might ensue. Such as things falling from the sky. You know airplanes, satellites, spacecrafts. Everything short circuiting, fires from sparks, no internet, no gps, the world would be in a state of panic.

Though in movies, the solar flare itself might just set the world on fire.

#5 Black Holes

A blackhole is a region where the gravitational pull is so strong nothing can escape from it. This include every matter in existence such as light, you and even germs. It can bend light, warp space and distort time, something that might just be needed to time travel but I digress.

With that properties, you would think not even our planet can escape a black hole, right? Well, it depends on its mass and the distance it is with Earth, so its actually highly unlikely like one in a trillion but its still not impossible.

The scary thing about a black hole is that the smaller ones can move like a little meteor and all black holes are practically invisible in the black region we call space that is until it starts devouring materials into itself which makes it kinda glowing due to the high energy it produces.

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