
10 Ways an Apocalypse Might Happen (according to popular beliefs)

#8 Plagues

Plagues were one of the major cause of deaths in the age before medicine was improved. Sure nowadays, there’s the CDC, you know people who studies all these microbes they can find and try making a cure for it.

But with the advancement of science and medicine, these germs have also found a way to evolve getting more immune to cures. There’s also the case where these scientists might just accidentally or intentionally make their own deadly strain.

So, would there be a day that a new evolved germ comes into this world that kills people quickly before a cure could be concocted? This is actually a possibility, but lets hope it never comes to that.

#7 Supervolcanoes

We know what a volcano does. Lava from underground goes out of them and they emit volcanic smoke, gases and ash into the atmosphere.

A supervolcano does exactly that but on a much, much bigger scale that it can disrupt the world’s climate. What happens when climate changes? Well, plants dies, then herbivores dies cause of lack of plants and then carnivores dies because of lack of animals. Even safe to eat artificial food is based on something from nature, so there would be no food.

Then the eruption would cause earthquakes, tsunami. Earth would be covered in ash just like Pompeii. The air would be full of toxic gases and changes the Earth’s land. You’d probably wont even be safe underground when the Earth’s plates start to move.

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