
10 Ways an Apocalypse Might Happen (according to popular beliefs)

An apocalypse is when a major disaster impacts the whole world negatively. It would result in a lot of depopulation and recovering from it is almost impossible. When it happens would you be able to live? Who knows but here are 10 ways an apocalypse might happen. So maybe you can plan for it before it happens? Maybe…

#10 Cosmic Impact

You know how dinosaurs became extinct? A cosmic impact from a large asteroid. That’s what most scientists and researchers are saying and what’s mostly being advertised in the media.

A huge cosmic impact has the same energy as several million nuclear weapons detonating simultaneously.

Mostly without the radioactive after effects.

Well, this is assuming that the meteor is at least 0.6 miles(1 km) wide which could destroy a whole city. The asteroid that changed the ice age and caused the dinasours extinction is believed to be around 7-8 miles, but it needs an asterioid of more than 60 miles(100 km ) wide for the Earth to be utterly destroyed.

Currently, every year, there are thousands of tiny pieces of meteorites that do hit the ground. Though majority of them goes unnoticed because they fall in the waters or uninhabited areas.

Anyways, most of the space rocks that do enter earth usually just burns up in the atmosphere before they even reach the ground which we call Shooting stars.

#9 Nuclear War

Not much to say about this one. If all the countries with nukes started nuking everywhere, it could pretty much be the end of mankind. Not to mention the risk of nuclear terrorism, but of course, this only works if the nuclear bombs were to be exploded in strategic places for it to cover the whole earth. It’s like terraforming earth in a bad way.

With nuclear explosions, the climate could change, everything around you becomes radioactive and people either die or mutate. The mutations are not the cool type of mutations if you know what I mean.

Though this event would most likely not cause the end of mankind, but a whole country could get wiped out and uninhabitable due to harmful radiation for a very, very long time.

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