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Dog pretends to be a stray to get hamburgers from McDonald’s
A dog owner of Oklahoma City is calling out her pet for scheming to get free food outside McDonalds. She says that late at night her dog sneaks outside McDonalds and then pretends to be a stray. She shared photographic evidence of her dog sitting outside the local McDonald’s late at night. She said “If […]
India suspends bus driver for letting a monkey ‘drive’
A bus driver in India who let a monkey drive behind the wheel of his vehicle was suspended after a video of the event went viral online. The bus driver was smiling and petting the langur monkey as it sat on top of the wheel of the moving bus. The footage was recorded by a […]
$18 Million of Cocaine Found Hidden Inside of Bananas Donated to Prison
Authorities in Houston, Texas say that bananas that were donated to a prison turned out to have almost $18 million dollars street value worth of cocaine hidden inside of the boxes. The Department of Criminal Justice said that the drugs were found in two pallets of bananas that were donated under the pretence that they […]
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5 Indonesian Folklore Creatures
There are a lot of different types of ghosts found in Indonesian folklore. But there are also mystical creatures in Indonesian folklore. Mystical creature that are influenced by magic or just cryptids that might have been around in the past. Here are 5 creatures from Indonesian folklore 1. Buto Ijo They look like huge green […]
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5 African Mythological Creatures
Africa is a very big area which also means the African mythology is very vast and diverse. Here we have 5 African mythological creatures that you should know… just in case.
New Study Shows Men Fear Social Shame Of Ordering Vegetarian Dishes
Researches from the University of Southampton have found that men who don’t like the taste of meat or men who are unable to eat it for health reasons still find it extremely difficult to choose a vegetarian or vegan dish from a restaurant menu due to the fear of being ridiculed by their peers.] The […]
Kellogg’s drop ‘approved’ by mums’ slogan after complaints from fathers
The breakfast cereal maker Kellogg’s has come under fire when Father’s for Juice protested outside a branch of Asda in Peterborough over what they described as “cereal discrimination’ against fathers on their packaging. Kellogg’s said they would replace the word for ‘mum’s with ‘parents’ so that it is more inclusive with both parents. A spokesman […]
Virginia man puts up electric fence to keep kids off his lawn
Bryan Tucker says that he is annoyed at school kids trespassing on his lawn while they are waiting for their school bus. He said that he erected the fence on Tuesday because he had an issue last year with kids littering and trespassing on his property. He complains that he has to pick up trash […]
Shots fired into residential home because of bad restaurant review
Mr Walley was sitting at home watching television when all of a sudden a bullet flew just centimetres by his head. He mentions that he could feel the air of the bullet as it passed by him. His younger daughter Monica was just in the other room. “I didn’t think anyone was crazy enough to […]
British man with ‘Taiwan’ tattooed on forehead claims he was beaten up by Chinese people in Cambodia
A British man known as Ferrell was assaulted while on vacation in Cambodia. On Saturday evening he attracted quite a lot of attention from a group of Chinese men who noticed his tattoo in a bar. Ferrell said that the men shouted “Taiwan, China” and he yelled back “Taiwan, Taiwan” as a response. Ferrell mentions […]
“Ghost” ship appears after being missing for 9 years
A rusted cargo ship that lacks crew and goods, bearing an Indonesian flag was found drifting off of Myanmar. A bunch of fishermen came across the ship which bears the name ‘Sam Rataulangi PB 6000’ was seen drifting down the Gulf of Martaban which is about 7 miles away from Myanmar’s busy commercial capital. Military […]
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10 Stupid Reasons For Getting Fired
10. Fired for posting in Reddit A waitress was fired for sharing a photo of a receipt on Reddit. There was something written on the receipt and it reads “I give God 10%, why should you get 18”. It was written by a pastor who ate there so I guess it was bad luck for the […]
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10 Ways an Apocalypse Might Happen (according to popular beliefs)
An apocalypse is when a major disaster impacts the whole world negatively. It would result in a lot of depopulation and recovering from it is almost impossible. When it happens would you be able to live? Who knows but here are 10 ways an apocalypse might happen. So maybe you can plan for it before […]
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5 Creepy Tourist Destinations
Tourist spots does not only mean places where people can relax or have fun. Some tourist spots are interesting because of their history or because of what it has. Here are five tourist spots that are both creepy in their history and would get you creeped out when you actually go and visit them. #1. […]
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Amaterasu, Susanoo and Tsukuyomi in Japanese Mythology
You’d probably know these names from Naruto, but they are actually from the Japanese Mythology of ancient deities. They were birthed from Izanagi who, with Izanami were responsible for the creation of the Japanese archipelago. But the creation of Japan would be a story in an entirely different article. So Amaterasu came from Izanagi’s left […]
20 Pokemon based on real life plants and animals
The creation of Pokemon are usually inspired from existing things on Earth. It may be real life plants and animals, folklore, beliefs and even inanimate objects. This article will talk about the Pokemon that are based on plants and animals. 20. Kangaskhan Why they chose a name that sounds similar to Genghis Khan for a […]
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7 More Yokai that are Made Into Pokemon
The Pokemon are usually based from existing things. It may be real life plants and animals, folklore, beliefs and even inanimate objects. This article will talk about the Pokemon that are based on Yokai aka Japanese Folklore Creatures. So we might be able to call them Pokemon Yokai or Yokai Pokemon? Maybe… 7. Exeggutor / […]
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7 Japanese Folklore Monsters used in Pokémon
Pokemon are based on a lot of things. Some are even based on folklore monsters. So, here are 7 Japanese folklore creatures pokemon creators were inspired by. 7. ムウマ Muuma (Misdreavus) The Muuma is just a small pokemon that is a flying head. According to the pokedex it ‘loves to sneak up on […]
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Glooskap and Malsum in Native American Mythology
How it all started With most twins or siblings in mythologies, we could always assume that one is evil and the other one is good. The same can be said between Glooskap and Malsum from the Wabanaki Native American Mythology. Here is one of the many stories of them: Before the earth is how it […]