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5 African Mythological Creatures

1. Tokoloshe or Tikoloshi

This creature is well known throughout Southern Africa and they are very feared. There are 2 types of Tokoloshe:

  1. a creature created from black magic or
  2. a water spirit

The ones created with black magic are zombie like creatures. They can be created by removing the eyes and the tongue of a full bodied corpse.

The ritual also includes thrusting a hot iron rod into the skull, a secret powder blown into the mouth of the dead and of course an affinity with black magic. These type of Tokoloshe are created to scare or harm other people.

The other type are said to be water spirits or creatures that are somewhat harmless. Harmless, unless crossed. Other than that, they are just mischievous creatures. They can turn invisible by swallowing or putting magical pebbles in their mouths.

Now, they only truly become dangerous when they get captured by humans.

Because as we know, humans are dangerous when they have the power to be dangerous. In this case: controlling a Tokoloshe.

When captured, the Tokoloshe will then be a personal slave for the witch or warlock. They can do household chores, evil errands and even satisfy the sexual needs of the master.

There’s a few description of how the Tokoloshe looks like, some say they are large furry creatures while others say they are furry dwarf-like creatures. But the penis always stands out. It is said to be very big and long, in fact so long they can sling it over their shoulder.

Now, what makes them dangerous is that they can bite off or tear off human limbs apart. They might even rape people who are asleep. But as stated earlier, they usually cause harm because of an order OR if they are angered.

Apparently to “protect” against them, you either increase the height of your bed or get a concoction made of the Tokoloshe fat for “protection” against them, sold in Muti sellers near you. 🙂

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