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10 Stupid Reasons For Getting Fired
10. Fired for posting in Reddit A waitress was fired for sharing a photo of a receipt on Reddit. There was something written on the receipt and it reads “I give God 10%, why should you get 18”. It was written by a pastor who ate there so I guess it was bad luck for the […]
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10 Ways an Apocalypse Might Happen (according to popular beliefs)
An apocalypse is when a major disaster impacts the whole world negatively. It would result in a lot of depopulation and recovering from it is almost impossible. When it happens would you be able to live? Who knows but here are 10 ways an apocalypse might happen. So maybe you can plan for it before […]
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5 Creepy Tourist Destinations
Tourist spots does not only mean places where people can relax or have fun. Some tourist spots are interesting because of their history or because of what it has. Here are five tourist spots that are both creepy in their history and would get you creeped out when you actually go and visit them. #1. […]
20 Pokemon based on real life plants and animals
The creation of Pokemon are usually inspired from existing things on Earth. It may be real life plants and animals, folklore, beliefs and even inanimate objects. This article will talk about the Pokemon that are based on plants and animals. 20. Kangaskhan Why they chose a name that sounds similar to Genghis Khan for a […]
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7 More Yokai that are Made Into Pokemon
The Pokemon are usually based from existing things. It may be real life plants and animals, folklore, beliefs and even inanimate objects. This article will talk about the Pokemon that are based on Yokai aka Japanese Folklore Creatures. So we might be able to call them Pokemon Yokai or Yokai Pokemon? Maybe… 7. Exeggutor / […]
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7 Japanese Folklore Monsters used in Pokémon
Pokemon are based on a lot of things. Some are even based on folklore monsters. So, here are 7 Japanese folklore creatures pokemon creators were inspired by. 7. ムウマ Muuma (Misdreavus) The Muuma is just a small pokemon that is a flying head. According to the pokedex it ‘loves to sneak up on […]
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10 Pokemon Based on Inanimate Objects
The Pokemon creature designs are based on various things. Even inanimate objects. Imagine everyday objects and put googly eyes on them. They might just pass on being a Pokemon. I jokes. But here are 10 of these inanimate objects that inspired these Pokemon’s design.
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5 Putin Critics Who Ended Up Dead
This article will talk about 5 Putin critics; their life and their deaths. Some had suspicious circumstances surrounding their deaths while others were blatantly assassinated. So here are 5 Putin critics that ended up dead.
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7 Afterlife Situations from Different Religions
Ever wondered what happens after death? People throughout time, especially those whom practice a certain religion, has their own version of the afterlife and what happens after death. Some goes to get judged, some goes to a better place, some just goes to another world and some gets reincarnated. What really happens is definitely a […]
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5 Unusual Forms of Propaganda by Governments
Propaganda is quite a strong thing. Most propaganda goes unnoticed but its definitely around influencing people’s way of thinking. Some even influences people’s emotion to a certain idea or a certain thing. In this article, here are 5 forms of propaganda that has and known to have been used to change ones mind on an […]
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10 Weird Looking Sea Creatures
The deep sea. More than 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water. Without special equipment, humans are not able to explore the deep sea. It is obvious that a lot of sea creatures and features are unknown to the masses. What is sure is that: some of the creatures that are already found […]