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10 End Of World Predictions That Never Happened

When will be next?

Year 1588 or was it 1700?

The world would end in the year 1688 or 1700.

Well, there was a discrepancy in the year here, because a mathematician called John Napier predicted the end of the world using his calculations from the Book of Revelation and said, it would either end in the year 1688 or the year 1700.

Luckily for him, he died in 1617 before either of the year mentioned. Imagine the shame for being wrong twice.


Year 1806

In 1806, in the English town of Leeds some weird rumor came to be. The rumor was that of a hen that laid eggs with the phrase “Christ is coming” written on them.

The rumor spread like wildfire and some actually believed that Doomsday was coming. That is until until a local was curious enough to wait and watch the hen laid its eggs. There was actually no writing.

Apparently, the owner wrote on the eggs with corrosive ink so that the eggs were etched with those words and gruesomely enough, reinserted the eggs back into the hen’s oviduct.


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