1. Dokkaebi
A dokkaebi is a grotesque- looking goblin. It usually carries 2 special items with it. Has a magical club (the weapon) and a magic hat as well. Now the club acts like a magic wand but all it can do is conjure objects out of thin air. Though, apparently it can’t create things, it can only summon existing things. So it would be a bit useless if you want to get rich or summon money without being a thief. Of course all that is IF you managed to get a hold of the club of course.
Now the hat they have is also magical. It can make one become invisible just like the Cloak of invisibility in Harry Potter.
There are a few different kinds of dokkaebis and people have divided them according to their appearance. Such as the Oedari Dokkaebi. They only have one leg and likes to play the Ssireum. Ssireum is a type of korean traditional wrestling. Another one is the Nat Dokkaebi. Unlike the other kind of dokkaebi, they would appear during the day and are known to give the magic hats to humans.
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