5. Ebu gogo
In the Flores folklore, they are short hominoids of approximately 1 metre tall, covered with hair, has a pot belly and big ears. Technically an ape but were known to repeat human words like a parrot would do.
They eat anything they can get, this includes human babies. According to lore, the people of Flores tried to coexist with the creature by offering them food so that the Ebu Gogo doesn’t destroy their crop. But the Ebu Gogo crossed the line of kidnapping a human child.

Because of that one incident, the people of Flores started hunting them down and most probably hunted them down to extinction.
In 2003, anthropologists actually found the remains of a hominoid of the same feature of an Ebu Gogo. They call their findings, Homo Floresiensis as it was found in the Flores Island. So its not quite far fetched to say that they might have actually existed.
I saw a creature run by me at my front door in the kampung in Bantul, Yogyakarta. Only the legs from the knee down were visible….and it made thumping noises as it ran by. The feet were excactly like an baby elephant but unlike an elephant…there were only two feet. …It was grey and wrinkled like an elephant…but with very dark green stripes like a zebra. The animal was a biped..walked on two legs. Does anyone know what this creature is?