4. Nyi Blorong (Nyi Loro Kidul)
There is a lot of conflicting stories for this one because some believe that they are the same creature, some believe they are 2 different beings altogether. So here is one of the story of Nyi blorong.

According to beliefs, Nyi Blorong is the queen of the South Sea near the Indian Ocean. During the full moon she would look like the most beautiful woman you would ever see wearing a green Kebaya with a long golden skirt. She would lure people towards her with her beauty to get them all in the mood for fun.
When all is set and done, she would leave gold flakes on the beach as a reward. The man would then be wealthy from the gold but right before death, the person’s soul would somehow be taken and cursed to be her man-slave forever.
Also, if you see her anytime other than a full moon, rather than a long golden skirt, you would see that she has a long golden snake-like lower body.
I saw a creature run by me at my front door in the kampung in Bantul, Yogyakarta. Only the legs from the knee down were visible….and it made thumping noises as it ran by. The feet were excactly like an baby elephant but unlike an elephant…there were only two feet. …It was grey and wrinkled like an elephant…but with very dark green stripes like a zebra. The animal was a biped..walked on two legs. Does anyone know what this creature is?