
5 Real Ancient Underwater Cities

Port Royal, Jamaica


Port Royal was a city in southeastern Jamaica. It was intended as a centre of shipping commerce in the Caribbean Sea. At first, port royal was the homes of privateers that were issued letters of marque to raid any Spanish ships. The letter of Marque was a government license to attack and capture enemy vessels.

But when the governments stopped issuing these licenses, the privateers became pirates and Port Royal became the city of pirates. So Port Royal was where the pirates from around the world could enjoy food, alcohol, women and their parties. It was dubbed as the most wicked and sinful city in the world.

But it didn’t last forever. Because in June 1692, a massive 7.5 earthquake hit Jamaica. It sank Port Royal and killing over 2000 people with it. As if its retribution or a cleanse for all the sins that occurred there. Seeing how they were pirates, a lot of valuable artifacts has been found there.

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