
5 Real Ancient Underwater Cities

Cleopatra’s Palace, Egypt

Alexandria, the city founded by Alexander the Great which rivaled Rome in wealth and size was also where Cleopatra’s Palace was believed to be located. In 1998, the ruins of the palace was then discovered underwater.

It is believed that the ruins sank into the sea because of a series of earthquake between the fourth and eighth centuries. The site includes the city’s royal quarters such as temples, military barracks and outposts and massive private complexes preserved underwater.

Archaeologists have also found the palace complex where Cleopatra and Mark Antony called home. Even the place where she committed suicide.

The site is not yet open to public. But an underwater museum is currently being built. The future features includes the normal exhibitions above water. And for the still submerged treasures there would be underwater tunnels, diving facilities and a glass submarine.

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