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7 Legendary Sea Creatures

2. Bakunawa

It is a dragon-like sea serpent from the Filipino mythology. The legends of the Bakunawa is now slowly being forgotten but in its legend, they are said to be the reason as to why there are eclipses.

The creature has a mouth the size of a lake, red tongue, looks a bit like a cat fish with its whiskers and two pair of wings along its body.

Now, in olden times, people believed that there were 7 moons in the sky. And in one of the stories, the Bakunawa fell in love with a human girl. But no one approved of his love. So angered and sad, he had the urge to eat all of the 7 moons.

He ate all of them, but when he was about to eat the last one, Bathala, who is the supreme being and creator of the universe in ancient Tagalog theology, stopped Bakunawa and banished it away from earth. The eclipse was said to be caused by the Bakunawa trying to escape from its banishment and return to the sea.

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