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7 Legendary Sea Creatures

3. Cetus

It is a large fish or whale like sea monster from Greek mythology. Its the sea monsters that both Perseus and Heracles each killed during one of their adventures.

In Perseus’s story, the Cetus was a sea monster summoned by Poseidon to destroy the shores of Aethiopia because of rage. Rather than laughing at the absurdity of Cassiopeia’s statement that her daughter Andromeda was more beautiful than the Nereids.

The Nereids are sea nymphs they are beautiful, kind creatures and their most prominent job was like a personal assistant or Poseidon’s maids. Not to mention his wife is also a Nereid.

Anyways with the creature slowly making its way to the shore, Cassiopeia in panic asked an oracle on what to do. The oracle said that Andromeda, who was also a victim here, had to be sacrificed to Cetus to stop the destruction of their kingdom.

Because of that, Andromeda got chained naked to a rock on the shore as sacrifice, where Perseus saw her. He must have thought she was worth the save and slew the monster then asked her to marry him. Just like that.

While the story with Heracles is almost similar, there’s Poseidon being mad and summoned a sea monster, a princess was to be sacrificed tied to a rock and Heracles saved the princess because he can. Tho, he didn’t marry her in the end, so, almost similar.

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