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20 Pokemon based on real life plants and animals

16. Exeggutor


I talked about how they resemble a yokai in a different post, but if you look closely at its design it looks a lot like a coconut tree. Look! I mean look at that uncanny resemblance.

15. Caterpie

Just from the name and the looks, we know its is based of a caterpillar. But specifically, it is based of the eastern tiger swallowtail caterpillar. The real thing does not have eyes, rather the thing that looks like an eye is just a pattern on the caterpillar’s body.

14. Drowzee

Another one that I’ve talked about in one of my yokai video and it resembles the Malayan tapir. Though it looks like a tapir, the tapir does not walk on 2 legs like Drowzee. It would be scary if it did, with a face that some might say cute but I will forever associate it with a nightmare because of the yokai.

13. Charmander

My first thought when I saw Charmander was, it looks weird. Probably because I find the animal its based off on which is the salamander looks exceptionally weird as well. It’s very apparent that it looks like a salamander from its smooth roundish head and that wide slight grin they seem to have.

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